

跨境电商运营 dianshang 2℃ 0评论





Step 1

Open your web browser and visit Amazon, or open the Amazon app. Create an account, or log in to your account.

Step 2

Locate the product by either searching for it in the search bar, locating the product through your purchasing history, or going to 'Your reviews' under your account.

Step 3

Click the item's link, or 'write a review' if locating it through your purchase history. If going through the products page, scroll down until you see the section on the page "Customer Reviews". Click "Write a customer review".

Step 4

Click the star rating you would give this item. Keep in mind the positives and flaws of the product when rating it. Once you click a star rating, a box will show up for you to type your review text.

Step 5

Be sure to be descriptive and personal when writing your review description. Type a short title that best summarizes your review, and explains your rating. Add photos to your review to show other customers exactly what it looks like and how big it is. Sometimes they show up sideways, but they'll correct themselves when submitted.

Step 6

Click the "Publish review" button. You should get a email confirmation when it is approved.

Review是一个积累的过程,如果新卖家尚未有卖家反馈留言,亚马逊会注明「Just Launched」。一旦获得卖家反馈留言,您的卖家反馈评级的状态就会和其他卖家一样了。尽管review政策的网拉得越来越紧,测评不能做,但合法途径 的索评还是畅通无阻的。政策未变前,卖家送免费产品和code优惠码力度比较大,导致测评的数量多但内容质量却不高。然而事实上,消费者在购物前看评论时,与其说评论数量让他们震撼,不如说,某一两条走心的,质量高的评论内容更能打动他,从而促进购买。因此,建立信得过的,长期合作的reviewer资源不失为获取review的一个好方法。


转载请注明:电商回忆录 » 如何在亚马逊上留review分享?

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